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DOA char lcd




The DOA_char_lcd was a DOA bus based LCD controller that has existed only in prototype form.

It was determined that the DOA bus does not have the bandwidth to properly drive LCDs with frequent updates, esp. not when several displays are connected and need to share bandwidth among themselves and all other types of DOA daughterboards.

Therefore the UPHCC-lcd was developed as a substitute. It uses the USB bus, and thus connects directly to your host PC.

The UPHCC-lcd board (see link below) is much more versatile, as it supports 4-12 displays, allows LCDs with different controller types (read: communications protocols), and supports character dot matrix as well as graphical dot matrix displays. UPHCC-lcd even allows you to mix and match displays of the just described variations on the same board.

See UPHCC sister project.

Information about the DOA_char_lcd LCD controller board

Each board can control up to 4 character LC Displays (HD44780 compatible).

  • controlled via the PHCC DOA bus with the AP2P Protocol.
    • multiple LCD controllers can be connected to the DOA bus...
    • along with other DOA bus devices (up to 256 devices currently)