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DOA 877 4067



Layouts/sourcecode only available upon request. Cheaper to make as the DOA_7seg_* line of boards, but has problems with different brightnesses of segments depending on how many segments are lit up at once (due to the cheaper approach).

Also, this board was designed with a slower PIC microcontroller in mind. This means that this board works only with slower clocked DOA bus speed, which makes it incompatible with the standard PHCC_Motherboard firmware.


  • for common cathode displays
  • 48 displays per board or 384 LEDs or any combination
  • boardsize: 80x100mm or 1/2 Euro size.
  • dimming possible
  • all segments individually controllable
    • ie. the dot
    • allows you to create certain characters, like a capital 'A' or 'C', a lower case 'd',...
    • individual segments fully controllable by host software
  • of course, instead of 7segment displays you can also use LEDs (8 LEDs instead of one display, 16 instead of two,...)
  • controlled via the PHCC DOA bus with the AP2P Protocol.
    • multiple display controllers can be connected to the DOA bus...
    • along with other DOA bus devices (up to 256 devices currently)

Prototype Picture

DOA_877_4067 LED/7segment controller prototype